Kategorie-Archiv: Allgemein

Buddhist Monks and Songkran Festival


Did two days of great interview with Jason, the canadian buddhist munk, in Mae Chedi, and joined the monks with meditation and collections through the city. I got tons of video material … I have to see how I get more than 200 GB to my editor ( Christian Schneider Smac Mac) It’s just amazing I got the first portrait literally on day one into the trip.

Bildschirmfoto 2014-04-14 um 14.58.24 Bildschirmfoto 2014-04-14 um 14.56.59

Today, I’m on my way to Chiang Rai. I have to be in Laos on Wednesday, as my Thai visa is running out. — It’s Songkran Festival (Thai New Year) in Thailand from yesterday to tomorrow. Which meand everyone is throwing water at everyone. Well, it was annoying in the morning … but now I like it, as it’s 48°C. Never ever will anyone tell me “it’s too hot to cycle in 30°!” — I hope I’ll post some pre-edited videos the next days. However, today I have to attend my home-based projects, as soon as I arrive at the guesthouse in Chiang Rai. — Greets!


Bildschirmfoto 2014-04-14 um 15.00.12


Songkran Festival in Thailand.

Bildschirmfoto 2014-04-14 um 14.59.40

And doing some first edits on the 7cam-multicam-interview-footage (1x Nikon D500, 3x Canon S110, 1x GoPro Hero 3, 1x Sony HDR-AS30). A pain in the ass with the Canons shutting off every 12-15 minutes at 3,45 GB filesize …

Bildschirmfoto 2014-04-09 um 13.05.20

First day of riding

On 7th of March, I finally left Chiang Mai for my journey to Chiang Rai. Here are some impressions of my first day of riding:


I actually startet at 4am, as it is not too hot then.
- 1:20: I drank a coffee in this beautiful place, but didn’t stay there.
- 1:50: Most of the time I had to push my bike because of the steep road.
- 2:40: This place I stayed was more “thai-standard”: with the standard-frightening water heaters with electricity in the shower, and the toilet that has to be flushed by pouring water into it. And coffee with 56% sugar, 23% creamer and 11% coffee.
- 3:20: This actually is the most amazing part. I just bought some water at 7-eleven, when Dermot approached me. He knew a canadian, who is just becoming a buddhist monk. So I got to meet him and got an interview with him yesterday. He has an an amazing story of his life. Just started some basic editing. Will continue the interview tomorrow. I keep you posted!

First Interview

Didn’t see that coming: Just one day into the project … and by pure coincidence got an interview with a canadian guy who is becoming a bhuddist monk. Just copying the footage to do some basic editing. I will continue the interview tomorrow and post some excerpts later. So if anyone has questions: Post them to the comments! I’ll look at the comments before I go tomorrow.

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So it’s time. I’m starting out for a journey throughout the world with the goal to create a documentary for cinema and television. I want to portray some ordinary and interesting people from all over the world, in order to give an overview about how people live — and to find some amazing stories.

The idea initially came to me when I realized how little people know how people live their lifes all over the world. I hope I succeed in getting some interesting insights into this subject.

The journey will take around 18 month. And I will travel soley by bycicle; apart from some flights inbetween.

I’ll keep you updated here, and on facebook:


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